A thriller film based on a real-life mass murder that took place in 1966. Richard Franklin Speck was a mass murderer who systematically tortured, raped and murdered eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital in 1966.
In July of 1976, the Societé Générale of France was robbed of well over $10 million dollars by a group burrowing through the sewers of Paris. This movie is based on a book by the thieves' mastermind, Albert Spaggiari. The famous theft won the nickname, "the great drain robbery," and this romanticized cinematic retelling of the true story stars Francis Huster as Spaggiari.
Also known as 'Dirty Money' as well as 'The Great Riviera Bank Robbery'. A group of fervent right wing French nationalists plan to finance a government coup and smash communists by pulling off a daring bank robbery.